Arnold, Bill
Bass, Glenn - 1957
Beltan, Anthony 1987 - 1989
Blake, Gary - 1975-1979
Broderick, Helena
Carelson, Jeff -Was with 161 from 7/78 to 6/79. Went on that first unit rotation to the rock. I crewed YR011, Col Beyma's bird. 
Carrillo, Paul Hammerhead
Carter, Hal 1979 - 1983 with 163
Cavazos, Roland - 1972 - 1977
Conway, Joseph
Curl, Kevin 
Darling, Rich - 1969
Egan, Joseph - MCAS (H) 1979
Foster, Jo = 1983-1987 good times -
Gray, Allen - 1970-1971
Green, Gerry - 1967 - HMM 263
Harvey, Ron -
Heeren, Eric - 
Henderson, Don
Hofer, Ray
Landi, Alex 1973
Lind, Steve
Logue, Ken
Miskimins, Doug
Mooyman, Armand Ronnie - 1975 MCAS (H) Santa Ana
Panko, Ray -1987-1989, with H&HS 
Redhouse, Jerome
Rhoads, Ken 
Russell, Joe
Ryvera, Paul - MCAS (H) 1976-1978
Shipley, Thomas 
Shorte, Claude - PMO 1970 -1971
Sloan, Patrick
Smith, Tony - Spent Nov 77 til Jan 81 Mostly with HMM-161 Last few months with HMT-301 
Spellman, Patti Santa Ana 1960-1964
Stevenson, Richard
Turner, Glen 1970s - 1980s
Turner Sean
Zmudka, Randy
Sources: - Google, Facebook, Members of MCAS Tustin |